161. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 287. For Wilcox. Re membership. Unless instructed to the contrary, I propose we proceed in accordance with following plan.

Timing of SC meeting–request that SC meeting be called as soon as possible by President. (In discussion with Belaunde (Peru) today, he preferred not take initiative in SC in view his support for Canadian proposal.) Assuming arrangements and consultations can be completed, I am thinking in terms of Friday afternoon, November 18 or Monday afternoon, November 21. Canada and India served notice in ad hoc committee today that they intend press for consideration membership as soon as Palestine refugee item completed. (We estimate about middle next week.)
Wording of agenda item–suggest to President that item on provisional agenda read as follows: “Admission of new members to the United Nations.” (There would be no reference to GA resolution of last year.)
Procedure in the council.
Adoption of agenda.
Suggest that President of Council state that as result informal discussions consensus is that members wish vote on following 17 applicants (18 if USSR insists upon vote on Outer Mongolia) in alphabetical order or alternatively chronological order. No resolution would be presented.
Suggest that President then state that he understood the consensus was that the Council should proceed to vote and that following completion of voting members could make explanations of vote.
Council would then proceed to vote on first application, i.e. Albania, etc.
Following voting and explanations of votes by members, President would state that he would prepare a report to GA after consultation with members of Council, forward to SYG for circulation. (This report could merely record Council action on the applications; it could also attach a verbatim transcript of Council proceedings.)
A plenary meeting of GA would be convened as soon as possible after Council meeting. (Our attitude regarding timing of GA meeting would have to depend on whether Council had taken action favorable to US, i.e., the list of 17. If USSR has double crossed us we would want sufficient time after SC meeting to mobilize support in GA to prevent satellites from getting two-thirds vote.)
In order to make gesture in recognition Canadian initiative and obtain his cooperation, I plan suggest to Martin that he appear in Council at beginning of proceedings, make a speech, and lay his resolution before Council for its information. It would be understood Council would not take up Canadian resolution.
We are also giving consideration to whether it would be desirable to make Security Council meeting private in order facilitate agreement on above procedures.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/11–1455. Confidential.