172. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 316. Re membership.

Belaunde (Peru) expressed view U.S. should accept eighteen nation proposal, although he said he recognized there might be considerable public reaction against this in U.S. He thought, however, we could very well explain such an action on ground that a great majority of Latin American nations had already expressed themselves in favor of eighteen nation proposal and there was little left for U.S. to do but go along. In other words, Belaunde said, “Let the Latin American nations take the rap”. View similar to that stated by Belaunde was also expressed to USGAdel by chief delegates Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica and El Salvador.

Malik (USSR) yesterday told Trujillo (Chairman LA caucus) that USSR insisted on eighteen nation proposal; that unless Outer Mongolia is admitted USSR will veto Spain; and asked for LA decision on 18 nation proposal by end afternoon. Trujillo thereupon immediately began canvass LA delegations apparently pleading for affirmative response on ground Spain’s fate was at stake. All but four countries (Dominican Republic, Cuba, Honduras and Paraguay) apparently indicated their willingness support 18 nation package. We understand from Honduran and Paraguayan [delegations] that Trujillo thereupon prepared press statement (apparently to effect that LAs favored package of 18) which he would have released, without further consultation, had not Honduran, Paraguayan and 1 other Latin delegation learned of his plan and vigorously objected on ground Trujillo was not authorized issue any statement on behalf LA group and that proposed statement did not reflect their views.

Diaz-Ordonez (Dominican Republic) asked what he should do in any vote on satellite countries. He said his delegation was instructed vote against satellites but also to follow lead of U.S. and he wanted USGAdel to know that if negative vote would interfere with U.S. plans he would be willing abstain. He said he had made no definite commitment regarding Dominican vote to Trujillo. Carias (Honduras) also stated that he had not yet made commitment to Trujillo. Paraguay, as reported previously, has been instructed vote against Outer Mongolia and abstain on four satellites, and Paraguayan Delegation states they have made their position clear to Trujillo. Cuba has announced it will vote against all satellites.

Ambassador Lodge telephoned Trujillo this afternoon to report on four-power consultations.2 In course conversation Trujillo invited Ambassador Lodge to address LA caucus next week on membership question.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/11–1955. Confidential.
  2. See supra.