254. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Korea1

670. Following summary USUN report on Security Council consideration ROK Vietnam membership:

Mission feeling March 7 meeting not appropriate time consider ROK Vietnam applications confirmed by canvass other members SC which showed only China prepared in advance call attention to GA resolution favoring their admission. As result US requests Philippines Australia UK France Colombia and Cuba agreed speak in favor admission. It apparent no SC member favored consideration these applications this meeting; this especially true UK Australia who anxious focus attention meeting on consideration Ghana membership.

US made statement at meeting asserting intention request early SC meeting consider GA resolution ROK Vietnam membership. Several other members agreed desirability early meeting and reaffirmed support ROK Vietnam admission. Soviet presiding over SC this month.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/3–957. Confidential. Also sent to Saigon.