262. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 117. Re UN membership. We are consulting with dels who cosponsored both membership Res last year with view to same group this year. These are Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Philippines, UK and US.

Possibility adding remaining members of 16 who fought in Korea has also arisen. This would include Belgium, Canada, Ethiopia, Greece, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Thailand, and Turkey. (South Africa will not be present.) Addition these states would provide advantages for ROK and maintain Dept’s continuing contact with them. On other hand it seems unlikely Canada, Thailand and Ethiopia will want sponsor Vietnam.

Would Dept prefer add other members of 16 to ROK with as many as possible to Vietnam or to maintain identical co-sponsorship, which seems easiest to do on basis last years co-sponsors? Would appreciate reply Monday.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/10–457. Limited Official Use.
  2. Gadel 34 to USUN, October 4, reads: “Dept sees no reason change co-sponsorship ROK and Viet-Nam membership resolutions as arranged last year (Delga 117) but agreeable any group co-sponsors that in Delegation’s view likely facilitate impressive affirmative vote both resolutions.” (Ibid.)