350. Memorandum From the Secretary of the Navy (Gates) to the Secretary of Defense (McElroy)1


  • Earth Satellite Program
I am gravely concerned about the effects of the Presidential statement of 9 October2 on the dates of intended firings of Vanguard vehicles. It said in effect that test vehicles were planned to be launched in December and a fully instrumented satellite in March 1958. The statement has been widely—though erroneously—interpreted in the press and within the administration as a commitment to achieve satellites on those dates. There is in fact only a probability—not a certainty—that satellites will be achieved on these first attempts.
This is true in spite of the application of every effort and unlimited enthusiasm toward getting the satellite tries off at the earliest possible moment. We have been re-examining the possible effects of increased priority and fiscal and facilities support, but it appears that no actions in these areas can now positively assure meeting the dates of the White House release. We will certainly do everything we can for success.
All experience with experimental rocket programs shows that no one can have confidence that the dates of planned firing attempts will always hold firm. It should be made clear that this historic fact applies to this program as to others, in order to warn before the event rather than explain afterward.
Thomas S. Gates3
  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Special Assistant for Science and Technology Records, Additional Records 1957–61 (A76–16), Box 15, Space (October 1957). Official Use Only.
  2. See footnote 3, Document 347.
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.