176. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France2

2417. Reference last paragraph Deptel 23903 in which Paris views requested concerning French attitude toward US assistance programs Cambodia, following summarizes situation regarding training as indicated in series telegrams many not repeated Paris.

Last October Phnom Penh informed of JCS position that US should undertake no MAAG functions without prior written commitment from Cambodians to ultimate withdrawal all French training personnel. Department’s continuing efforts obtain change this position unavailing. Ambassador set forth this position Cambodian Defense Minister November 16. French not been informed of this by us nor have they informed us their intentions Cambodia other than Mendes-France statement to Secretary and delegation in Paris of French intention keep their instructors in Cambodia.4 About same time information received from Cambodian official Phnom Penh (its 1935) that French and Cambodians concluded secret agreement on continuance several hundred French instructors. Implementation in Cambodia of agreement on US-French coordination Indochina during Mendes-France talks Washington6 leaves something to be desired.

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Phnom Penh’s 155 and 1767 express need for MAAG personnel assist implementation direct budget support program for Cambodian forces and additional MAAG personnel carry out training those forces. Phnom Penh believes certain French technical assistance needed in budget support program. On December 8 Ambassador discussed logistics function with King who approved and on December 27 several MAAG officers arrived from Saigon to begin this work.

Phnom Penh proposes we not insist on prior written Cambodian engagement phase out French instructors as condition precedent formal establishment logistics MAAG and suggests Ambassador broach training function again in manner and at time he considers propitious. After visiting Phnom Penh Admiral Radford again expressed view we must have exclusive control training and must eliminate French military influence Cambodia.

Department presently trying secure Defense agreement permit formal establishment logistics MAAG now with idea securing Defense approval sometime later for training MAAG under conditions acceptable US, Cambodia and France. How and when to reconcile French intentions maintain instructors with aim eliminating French military influence without jeopardizing necessary French cooperation other matters three Associated States as yet unresolved.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751H.5–MSP/1–655. Top Secret. Drafted and approved in WE and repeated to Phnom Penh.
  2. The last paragraph of telegram 2390, January 3, reads as follows:

    “For Paris: It appears to us critical area possible dispute between U.S. and French may be over question of training Cambodian military forces. Forwarding separately summary recent telegrams.” (Ibid., 751H.5–MSP/1–355)

  3. As reported in telegram 2601 from Paris, December 19, 1954, Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. XIII, Part, p. 2400.
  4. Dated October 27, 1954, not printed. (Department of State, Central Files, 751H.5–MSP/10–2654)
  5. November 17–20, 1954. For documentation on the visit, see Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. XIII, Part 2, pp. 2265 ff.
  6. Dated October 13 and 21, neither printed. (Department of State, Central Files, 951G.5301/10–1354 and 124.5H2/10–2054, respectively)