17. Circular Airgram From the Department of State to Diplomatic Posts in the Other American Republics1


USUN advises member Indian Delegation UN “working energetically on ChiRep question” among LAUN Delegations. He is reported using trade with ChiComs as point of argument.

From information available Department India intends make ChiRep question “major issue” 13th GA. At 11th and 12th GAs Indian attempts include question on agenda were rejected by wide margin.

Addressee posts should seek early opportunity mention Indian activity to appropriate officials government to which accredited emphasizing, where needed, U.S. attitude remains one of strong support for GRC position in UN and firm opposition to seating ChiComs. You should point out ChiCom attitude acclaiming recent Hungarian executions is yet added reason why they, as convicted aggressors against UN, should not be seated, or indeed considered for seating in GA. As appropriate you should also make point that with respect question of trade, political support for Peiping not necessarily conducive to increased economic opportunity. For example Peiping unable or unwilling purchase from UK in quantities commensurate UK purchases Communist China. On other hand, Federal Republic Germany which does not recognize Communist China has favorable trade balance with it. In fact, Peiping uses generous trade overtures with nations withholding political support as apparent device inveigle countries into believing such support would pay commercial dividends.

We believe question of seating should be handled as at previous sessions, on a procedural basis and you should as appropriate urge continued support this position at forthcoming Assembly. You should, of course, stress our appreciation for constant support given in past on this question, which U.S. believes continues to be one of paramount importance entire Free World.

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Over-all instruction covering U.S. attitude on items expected to arise at the forthcoming General Assembly (including ChiRep question) will follow in due course.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.2/7–1158. Confidential. Drafted by Bock and McNutt; cleared with Bacon, in draft with CA, and with ARA by phone; and approved by Adams who signed for Herter. Repeated to USUN.