23. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

284. Re: Tunisian candidacy for SC seat.

Mestiri (Tunisia) informed US today he has received instructions to send letter to all UN Missions announcing Tunisia’s candidacy for SC seat now held by Iraq. Mestiri has notified Iranian Mission (only announced candidate for the seat) today and will send out letters tomorrow.

When informed of our pledge of support to Iran, Mestiri said he had not heard of it before. Added that his instructions were clear and “quite formal”, therefore, he said, he would have to carry them through.

[Page 51]

Subsequently Adamiyat (Iran) phoned to say he had been informed by Tunisian Del of these plans. Adamiyat said he had informed Abdoh (Iran) who was on vacation and that he did not know what position his government would take and was anxious to know US views, [remainder of paragraph (8 lines of source text) not declassified]

We said that of course US was committed to Iran, but that understood problem he had raised and difficulty Iran might face. We would report to Department immediately.

Comment: There is much in what Adamiyat says, which we believe Department should consider. Please instruct urgently re reply to Adamiyat.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 330/8–2758. Confidential.
  2. In telegram 182, August 28, the Department instructed USUN to state that the United States remained committed to Iran and to express the hope that an open contest over the Security Council seat would not develop between Iran and Tunisia. (Ibid.)