96. Message From the Secretary of State to the President1

Dear Mr. President: The conference is now buckling down to work with small committees working on resolutions, following pretty closely general outline suggested in my speech.2 Latter well received with natural reservations on part of Cuba and Venezuela. With the exception of my general policy speech we are taking the line of letting other nations take lead in drafting resolutions but keeping close eye during progress. The only excitement so far was the expected flare-up between Cuba and the Dominican Republic which I hope will not be repeated, although anything can happen in final plenary session. The general feeling is that we will finish Monday,3 allowing return to US with expected arrival late Tuesday night.

Faithfully yours,

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 371.04/8–1559. Confidential; Niact. Transmitted in Cahto 14 from Santiago, which is the source text.
  2. See Document 94.
  3. August 17.
  4. Cahto 14 bears this typed signature.