285. Telegram From the Embassy in Cuba to the Department of State1

1220. For Rubottom. In conversation yesterday Minister Agriculture Sori Marin told me he believed Castro firmly anti-Communist and that this belief basis Sori Marin’s staying in government. He believes that Castro will take on fight against Communists at proper time but that, following tactics so successful in military operations of only taking on one opponent at a time, Castro desires make further progress his “revolution” for which he needs maximum popular support including that of Communists. Sori Marin attrubutes Castro’s recent racial equality statements to this same desire of “uniting people.” I am sure that Sori Marin, for whom I have respect and liking, believes the above.

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Sori Marin added that he has been successful in delaying issuance of agrarian reform decree which Castro had promised for April 15 in order that it may be more carefully considered in all its aspects. Sori Marin states that in this and other matters he has been heavily attacked by Communists but adds “I am fighting hard.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/4–1759. Secret; Limit Distribution. Received on April 18 at 12:48 p.m.