116. Editorial Note

In accordance with the schedule worked out in consultations among the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, the Foreign Ministers of those three countries, their counterparts from the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, and Canada, and the Secretary General of NATO met in Washington, April 11–14. On the first day, Secretary of State Herter met with Secretary General Spaak. See Document 117.

On April 12, Herter met with Foreign Secretary Lloyd at 11 a.m. while at about the same time Spaak was discussing the NATO scientific program with Presidential Adviser Kistiakowsky. At 2:15, Herter talked with Foreign Minister Brentano and, at 3:10, with Lloyd and Foreign Minister Couve de Murville. While this latter meeting was proceeding, Brentano discussed various economic matters with Under Secretary Dillon. At 5:45, Herter was briefed by Couve de Murville on Khrushchev’s [Page 285] visit to Paris. Memoranda of these conversations, except for the Spaak–Kistiakowsky and BrentanoDillon talks, are printed as Documents 120–122. Memoranda of the other two conversations are in Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559, CF 1624.

On April 13, the Foreign Ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the Federal Republic of Germany met at 10 a.m. At 1 p.m., Merchant discussed the progress of the Foreign Ministers’ meeting with Canadian officials at a lunch at the Metropolitan Club. At 2:15, Herter and Foreign Minister Segni met in Herter’s office to discuss U.S.-Italian relations. Memoranda of this conversation are printed in volume VII, Part 2, Documents 267270. At 3 p.m., Lloyd, Couve de Murville, and Foreign Minister Green joined Herter and Segni for a discussion of disarmament. Memoranda of the conversations at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. are printed as Documents 123 and 124. A memorandum of Merchant’s conversation with the Canadians is in Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559, CF 1624.

The Foreign Ministers meetings concluded on April 14. At 11 a.m., Herter, Lloyd, and Couve de Murville met with Spaak. In the afternoon, Herter and Green discussed U.S.-Canadian relations at 2:15, and at 3 p.m. Under Secretary of State Dillon met with Segni to review economic matters of mutual concern. A memorandum of the morning conversation is printed as Document 126; memoranda of the conversations with Green and Segni are in volume VII, Part 1, Documents 311315, and Part 2, Documents 271272, respectively.

The most extensive collection of documentation on the Foreign Ministers meeting is in Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 559, CF 1623–1630. It includes schedules, background papers, briefing papers, summary cables of the proceedings, memoranda of conversations, and copies of the reports of the working groups. A smaller amount of documentation, confined mostly to material on Berlin and Germany, is ibid., Central File 396.1–WA.