39. Memorandum From the Deputy Operations Coordinator (Rogers) to the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (Satterthwaite)0

For your information or action, there is quoted below an excerpt from the informal notes of M/OP on the OCB luncheon meeting of December 7:

“Policy Guidance on Africa

“Mr. Gray noted that, as a result of the deadlock on policy in regard to the relationship of the Metropoles to the newly developing countries, there were no fully agreed basic NSC or OCB papers providing authoritative guidance for African affairs. He was concerned about the impression this would create in the minds of the incoming administration. It was agreed that a discussion paper should be developed regarding the above mentioned split which could be referred to the NSC with a view either to modifying or restating existing policy guidance. This would clear the way for the development of the necessary operational guidance papers which should be done on a crash basis.”1

  1. Source: Department of State, OCB Files: Lot 61 D 385, Africa General—Overall. Secret.
  2. On December 21, Satterthwaite sent a memorandum to the Secretary recommending that S/P request from the National Security Council a clarification of the sections of NSC 6005 that dealt with the “U.S.-Metropole-Former Dependency” relationships. (Ibid., Central Files, 611.70/12–2160) Under cover of memoranda from Johnson to the NSC Planning Board dated January 3 and 12, the Department of State’s draft revisions of NSC 6001 and NSC 6005/1 were transmitted for consideration. (Ibid., S/PNSC Files: Lot 62 D 1 (NSC 5920 & 6001), and (NSC 6005/1), respectively)