306. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

1216. Re Pakistan–US relations.

[Page 634]
Aly Khan called to see me today on instructions from Khan Noon. He read from letter from Khan Noon which asked him to urge me to help obtain further US guarantees for Pakistan’s borders.
Khan Noon said he wanted “formal agreement” with US quaranteeing Pakistan’s borders or “formal declaration” by US to same effect.
I observed Secretary had given Noon statement last November which Noon had released at that time;2 suggested Noon refer to that statement publicly again. Aly Khan said Noon wanted something more formal. I said I would refer question to Washington again but I did not see any possibility of “formal agreement”, which I took to mean treaty, being approved by Senate.
Aly Khan also urged early delivery bombers promised to Pakistan in aid agreement, referring to recent Indian orders of bombers, fighters, and tanks from UK. I told him I understood Pak Chief of Staff was visiting Washington shortly and assumed question would be taken up by him.
He pled for prompt US action on these points on grounds forthcoming elections in which opponents of govt playing up insufficient returns Pak receiving from its alliance with West. He maintained present three leaders Pak (Mirza, Noon and Ayub) were clearly aligned with West and it was necessary their policies bore fruit. If not Pak politicians might move in direction neutralism. I reminded him Noon’s recent speech had not been too helpful. He said it was necessary to placate opposition.
Comments: (a) Please instruct re further reply I should make to Aly Khan on US declaration, (b) Hope that “package proposal”3 will be put to India and Pakistan as rapidly as possible before such pressures from Paks increase even further.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.90D/4–2558. Secret.
  2. See Foreign Relations, 1955–1957, vol. VIII, p. 159, footnote 3.
  3. Reference is to the U.S. “package proposal,” which sought to achieve a lessening of tensions between Pakistan and India.