568. Telegram From the Embassy in Thailand to the Department of State1

856. Embassy telegram 848.2 Following is suggested aide-mémoire which I will use as basis my discussions with FonMin:

“Referring to the conversation between His Excellency the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand and the American Ambassador on (date), His Excellency will recall that the following statements were made:

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His Excellency the Prime Minister and the American Ambassador agreed that the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the United States of America share a mutual determination to preserve their freedom and independence and to work together toward the establishment of a world order based on international justice. The American Ambassador stated that as expressed in his approach to the Prime Minister dated November 8,3 the preservation of the independence and integrity of Thailand continues to be matter of the highest concern and importance to the United States and that Thailand will have the unswerving support of the United States in resisting both Communist aggression and subversion. The American Ambassador also stated that as expressed in his letter to His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, dated November 2, 1960,4 if the situation in Laos should result in identifiable external Communist aggression against Laos or Thailand, the United States would take the gravest view of the situation and assures the Government of Thailand that the United States would, in accordance with its obligations under SEATO, take appropriate measures as may be required to meet the situation.

His Excellency the Prime Minister and the American Ambassador agreed that the Government of the United States and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand have a mutual concern about the present situation in the Kingdom of Laos, and are equally determined to be unsparing in their efforts to ensure that the Kingdom of Laos does not fall under Communist domination. In order that their efforts to this end should have maximum effect, it is agreed that they will co-ordinate their efforts to the fullest possible extent. Accordingly, it is understood that especially before either government takes any action of a military nature with respect to the present situation in Laos there shall be full and prior consultation. In any action that may be agreed upon involving Thai personnel, the United States will furnish material and financial support in accordance with arrangements to be made in each case. Such arrangements will be worked out so that they will not have the effect of reducing or curtailing the level of other United States economic and military assistance to Thailand.”

Would appreciate Dept’s comments.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.92/11–1360. Top Secret; Priority.
  2. Document 565.
  3. Document 563.
  4. See Documents 560 and 561.