91. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

1148. Phnom Penh 256.2

GVN has surfaced [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] to Embassy desire assist overthrow Sihanouk by opposition elements Cambodia. Both times GVN has been dissuaded by US representatives. It is true that GVN has not entirely dropped idea of coup by [Page 270] force, but encouragingly for us, GVN is now taking more realistic look at situation. Improving relations between GVN/RKG may be superficial at this time, but we believe GVN willing meet RKG half way in solving problems peacefully. Embassy has played active role in-preventing precipitate action by GVN against Sihanouk and will continue do so.
We find no evidence of recent press campaign against Sihanouk or Cambodia. Embassy has urged GVN representatives to avoid polemics during this critical period and GVN has told us that all Saigon newspapers are under government instructions to avoid criticizing RKG. [3½ lines of source text not declassified] Barring deterioration of present improving relationship, we do not agree re probability resumption polemics. On contrary, fact that offensive article in Phnom Penh’s Depeche during last week November against Ngo family was ignored by GVN would seem to show that GVN sincerely desires improved relations.
US position on SEA well known to and generally approved by GVN. However, it has been difficult convince GVN maintain its moderation in face of RKG’s provocative actions, chief of which was recognition of Communist China. GVN feels this move poses most dangerous threat to security and very existence of Free Vietnam and proves insincerity of RKG in its relations with its neighbors. GVN may talk about doing things, but it is Sihanouk/RKG who, by their actions, have caused deterioration of free world’s position in SEA.
Embassy does not believe US relationships with GVN and RKG can be equated. GVN is, generally speaking, responsive to US suggestions while RKG, although appearing to be responsive at times, pays lip service and then does as it pleases. [3 lines of source text not declassified]
Although GVN has repeatedly told us they are prepared to find solution financial problems with RKG, US has not promised to increase aid correspondingly. Embassy believes GVN sincerely desires reach financial settlement with RKG but only if RKG demands are realistic.
Regarding Son Ngoc Thanh, Embassy has reiterated to Nhu that Thanh does not have following and it would be highly unlikely he could replace Sihanouk if latter stepped down.
Embassy believes there is no misunderstanding of US views regarding Sihanouk and RKG in GVN. Embassy played active role dissuading GVN from taking precipitate action against Sihanouk. If relations between two countries improve, GVN will probably stop thinking about coup. If on other hand, relations take turn for worse, then we can expect revival of GVN scheming.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 651G.51H/12–1258. Secret; Limited Distribution; Noforn Continued Control; [distribution indicator not declassified]. Repeated to Bangkok and Phnom Penh.
  2. Printed as telegram 594 from Phnom Penh, Document 89.