333. Telegram From the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Viet-Nam (McGarr) to the Commander in Chief. Pacific (Felt)1

210957Z. Acting on MAAG advice, Big Minh on 14 December briefed Diem on concept of employment of task forces as outlined in CINCPAC military campaign plan.2 Minh reported Diem immediately became most suspicious and demanded to know why such task forces should operate directly under field command. Minh explained purpose was to assist Corps Commanders who are heavily involved in overall pacification their CTZ. Task force needed conduct specific operations against heavy Viet Cong concentrations. President emphatically disapproved.

Minh further reports this [that?] on several occasions following weekend, senior officers reported by Minh to be close to brother Nhu approached Minh and asked why he wanted task force-is it for purpose of a coup?

Minh also presented border control plan to Diem (which is basically MAAG plan as modified by field command) and was instructed to “hold off” as he now studying British border plan. (Note: This first mention of British border plan. Will check and report.) On 18 December, Minh discussed Zone D plan with Ty plus formation of previously reported “special battalions.” Ty said ARVN was leaning toward formation of special companies instead.

As result, Minh states he feels like “officer without portfolio.” He claims he is followed by armed agents. Further says his guards picked up two armed men lingering vicinity his house and check uncovered them as Secretary Thuan’s “private detectives.”

Source of above is Minh himself who as previously reported has at times appeared bitter and frustrated but report is considered serious as could well slow down progress on present plans. MAAG will continue to make every effort to ensure this does not occur. Will keep you advised.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5/12-2161. Secret; Priority. Also identified as MAGGHGACH 4587 and repeated to the Joint Chiefs, JACK, AJCC at Fort Ritchie, State, and the White House. Received in the Department at 12:51 a.m., December 22. The source text is the Department of State copy.
  2. Not further identified.