157. Editorial Note

In a memorandum to the President, approved at a meeting in Secretary of State Ruskʼs office on February 20, 1962, Rusk asked: “If there is no reason to believe that the Soviets will agree to a test ban of a type we deem necessary to safeguard our national security over the long run, can we risk our national security by gambling that the Soviets will parallel restraints we could unilaterally impose on ourselves? I do not personally believe we can accept this risk.” Rusk continued later in the memorandum: “My recommendation, therefore, is that you decide to order such atmospheric nuclear weapons tests as you may deem militarily necessary along lines of the program proposed.” Rusk added that “I should like to emphasize the importance of preparing our allies and friends in other parts of the world to assist us in facing up to the criticism which a test series will produce.” For text, see Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, volume VII, pages 319322.