18. Record of Secretary of State Ruskʼs Staff Meeting0

[Here follows discussion of NATO and the Congo.]

3. Information Line on Soviet Union

Mr. Tubby suggested that consideration should be given to the tone of the line being used at present in VOA broadcasts to the Soviet Union. It [Page 49] might be that this line should be modified down somewhat. Mr. Washburn1 felt that the present line was satisfactory. It is factual and does not seem to bother the Soviets. In fact, jamming is easing in some degree.

The Secretary thought we should review the situation with regard to Soviet-US relations. We have our fliers back and we have announced that no more overflights are to take place. Otherwise, there is no real change in the situation. We should not encourage the thinking that a new dawn is rising in relations with the Soviet Union. The Secretary doubted that we should make any change in our information line toward the Soviet Union although he agreed that serious thought should be given to the problem.

The Secretary asked Mr. Bowles to look into this subject to see whether any modification in our line is desirable.

[Here follows discussion of Mexico and Laos.]

  1. Source: Department of State, Secretaryʼs Staff Meetings: Lot 66 D 147. Secret. Prepared by Stoessel.
  2. Abbot M. Washburn, Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency.