78. Editorial Note

According to a memorandum for the record prepared by Naval Commander G.A. Mitchell, Secretary of Defense McNamara was briefed on April 2, 1961, on the proposed rules of engagement that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had approved on April 1 in SM-363-61, Document 76. McNamara had reservations about the latitude allowed by the rules:

“On 2 April the Secretary of Defense was briefed on the Bumpy Road situation and advised as to the approved rules. He was further advised by the JCS that after the President had made a firm ‛go aheadʼ decision, these rules should be submitted to the President for his approval. The Secretary of Defense felt that the rules were allowed too much interpretation at lower level and stated that the JCS should study the matter further.” (Mitchellʼs memorandum is undated but covers developments dealing with the rules of engagement for Operation Bumpy Road through April 20; National Defense University, Taylor Papers, Box 12, Cuba, Paramilitary Study)