301. Telegram From the Consulate General in the Dominican Republic to the Department of State1

923. Rumors circulating Trujillo plans expropriate American properties and terminate US consular relations if Dominican Republic deprived of Cuban windfall sugar. Rumors likewise circulating these reports inspired by GODR for purpose preventing adverse US Congressional action on Dominican Republic.

Consulate believes GODR may take retaliatory action if Dominican Republic deprived share Cuban windfall. While it would not appear be in Trujillo’s long range interest further cut ties with US neither has his progressive alienations of US over past two years been wise if considered from view his own interest. His problems are of own making and if it were not for his unrelenting military and financial efforts replace representative Latin American governments with dictatorship and his exacerbation Caribbean tensions by persistent violation generally accepted human rights his regime could today be enjoying degree prosperity and tranquillity enjoyed by few Latin American countries. USG should therefore be prepared for Trujillo follow course leading to destruction his own regime—namely further separation from US and other OAS members and suicidal sponsorship Communist-type propaganda and commercial contacts with Communist countries.

Consulate reiterates its previous judgment that position of US security and business interests in Dominican Republic will continue deteriorate with every additional day Trujillo remains in office. He is increasingly reorienting political and commercial policies along line which run counter US objectives. Most important be cognizant fallacy of Trujillo sponsored argument that US driving GODR to its present course. Nothing further from truth. Trujillo himself is unconscionable violator OAS non-interventionist and human rights principles and his objective is be allowed continue these violations without interference from US or OAS. If OAS interferes he threatens associate self with its enemies and this is blackmail from any angle which cannot be tolerated if OAS to be political force in hemisphere.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.39/2-461. Confidential.