13. Memorandum of Conversation0


  • Situation of Cardinal Mindszenty


  • Monsignor Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate
  • EE—Harold C. Vedeler
  • WE—August Velletri

At the request of the Apostolic Delegate the Department’s representatives called on him this morning to receive a message from the Vatican concerning the communication from Cardinal Mindszenty (a letter to Secretary Rusk which the Cardinal had requested be made known to the Apostolic Delegate), copy of which was given Monsignor Vagnozzi on February 13 for transmission to the Holy See.1

The Apostolic Delegate said that the Cardinal’s letter had been sent to Rome and a response to his (the Apostolic Delegate’s) report had now been received. Cardinal Cicognani had discussed the matter with the Pope, who agreed that in the present circumstances it is best for Cardinal Mindszenty to remain in his situation of refuge in our Legation. The Pope and Cardinal Cicognani also believed that the existing conditions were not suitable for undertaking efforts to solve the problem of the Cardinal’s refuge. They were pleased to have word (conveyed by the Department’s representatives at our previous meeting on February 13) that the Cardinal’s health was reasonably good for his situation. They [Page 23] expressed their appreciation for the Department’s willingness to have Cardinal Mindszenty continue his refuge in the Legation and for the care and attention given him by our Mission at Budapest.

After communicating this message Monsignor Vagnozzi added that Vatican circles considered that under present conditions it was desirable for the Cardinal to remain in Hungary as the spiritual leader of the Hungarian people and that his departure from the country now might have a depressing effect on the spirit of the people.

In connection with this subject Monsignor Vagnozzi referred to concern in Vatican circles about the possible visit by the Secretary General of the United Nations to Hungary in response to the invitation extended by the Hungarian regime. He mentioned a report that U Thant was going to Czechoslovakia, Poland and “another country”, possibly the Soviet Union. Mr. Vedeler said we understood that the Secretary General was planning a trip to Europe this year during which he would visit a number of countries including the Soviet Union. We did not know whether he was going to visit Hungary.

As the meeting came to a close Mr. Vedeler expressed the Department’s appreciation for the message conveyed by the Apostolic Delegate and said that he would make a record of it which would be brought to the attention of the higher officers concerned in the Department.

  1. Source: Department of State, Hungarian Desk Files: Lot 75 D 45, Refuge for Cardinal Mindszenty. Confidential; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Vedeler.
  2. See Document 9.