301. Editorial Note

On June 19, 1962, Grant forwarded to McGhee a background memorandum, entitled “Location of Diplomatic Missions in Israel,” and supporting documentation that contained a description of past practices of the Department of State in encouraging other governments to establish diplomatic missions in Tel Aviv rather than in Jerusalem. Grant’s action was taken in response to a request made by Secretary Rusk at his June 1 staff meeting that the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs undertake a review of the matter. Grant’s covering memorandum to McGhee contained the recommendation: “That you approve continuation of the practice by which we suggest to other governments who are considering setting up diplomatic missions in Israel that they establish their missions in Tel Aviv rather than Jerusalem, without, however, pressing this viewpoint once we are satisfied the other government understands our position.” (Department of State, NEA/IAI Files: Lot 70 D 229, Status of Jerusalem) An unsent June 16 memorandum indicates that Grant originally intended to send the background memorandum to Secretary Rusk. (Ibid., NEA/NE Files: Lot 64 D 73, Tel Aviv)

A note from McGhee to Grant, dated June 20, attached to Grant’s June 19 memorandum, reads as follows: “After reviewing the attached file, I am inclined to believe we should not take further actions to dissuade other governments from establishing diplomatic missions in Jerusalem. While we can still adhere to our past policies in this regard, it seems to me that this is not an important enough issue to go this far in taking a step which the Israelis naturally resent. I would appreciate it if you would review the matter and see if you do not concur.” A handwritten note by Grant at this point reads: “My present inclination is to agree.” (Ibid., NEA/IAI Files: Lot 70 D 229, Status of Jerusalem)