337. Telegram From the Consulate General in Salisbury to the Department of State0

441. From Williams. In hour and quarter frank conversation February 18 Prime Minister Winston Field emphasized he seeks period of peace and prosperity which is attainable if “others leave us alone.” Tanganyika is chief present interference and training ground for SR saboteurs. By implication US and UN also interfere.

Field stressed increased employment as chief need, claiming predecessor government neglected this type development.

Field does not believe Africans would be interested in politics if they were spared influence of politician-agitators. He reminded us he gets on well with Dr. Banda and expects do likewise with Kaunda. [2 lines of source text not declassified]However, Field wants them to have right to their party and DuPont, Minister of Law who was present, has prepared legislation for this purpose. Their plan is to deal with African Nationalists not by banning parties but by arresting and trying their leaders if and when laws are transgressed.

When I asked what he thought of possibility of wider African participation and representation in political process he said he would support present constitution though he had opposed it at time of adoption on grounds complicated franchise.

Of Republic South Africa Field said, “Though we disagree with them, we have strong economic relations with them (with trade balance favorable SA which SR will reduce) and they do not interfere.”

[Page 527]

Field repeated reports that “State Department representatives in FE markets (?)1 were encouraging customers for Rhodesian tobacco to believe SR not a reliable source supply since whites would like to leave in view African Nationalism.” DuPont with air injury produced copy letter of young Americans working University College behalf World Council Churches as example Americans giving false information SR.

Field regrets break-up Federation which now seems to him inevitable. He will do his part toward new association if such possible.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL RHOD & NYAS. Confidential. Repeated to London, USUN, Lusaka, Blantyre, Lourenco Marques, Paris, Bonn, Rome, Pretoria, Leopoldville, Elisabethville, Dar-es-Salaam, Nairobi, Kampala, and Luanda.
  2. As on the source text.
  3. Assistant Secretary Williams also met with Federation Prime Minister Roy Welensky and with four ZAPU leaders while he was in Salisbury. (Telegram 444 from Salisbury, February 20, and telegram 451 from Salisbury, February 22; Department of State, Central Files, POL RHOD & NYAS)