152. Memorandum of Conversation1


  • Viet-Nam


  • [Here follows the same list of participants as Document 150.]

The Chancellor assured the Secretary of continued German support of American policy in Viet-Nam. Secretary Rusk replied that the President greatly appreciates the Chancellor’s support on South Viet-Nam. He could tell the Chancellor that opposition is growing in America to U.S. policy in South Viet-Nam—however, not for a weaker but for a strong line.

[Page 370]

The Chancellor asked whether China is likely to come into the conflict. Secretary Rusk replied that he was unable to give a direct answer to this question. He did, however, want to point out that it was a question not applicable only to one side. All the Secretary could say is that we are committed to doing what is required in South Viet-Nam.

The Chancellor asked whether South Viet-Nam will eventually be able to organize itself politically to carry on the conflict. The Secretary replied that there are many divisive and conflicting interests within South Viet-Nam. They are, however, united in the determination not to be defeated by the Viet Cong. There is every prospect now for elections in September which will result in the creation of a body which could represent all the various elements in South Viet-Nam seeking the defeat of the Viet Cong.

  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 67 D 305, CF 30. Secret; Exdis. Drafted by McGhee and approved in S on August 12. The source text is marked “Part 8 of 11.” Parts 5 and 6 are printed as Documents 150 and 151. Part 2, a discussion of French and NATO issues, is printed in Foreign Relations, 1964–1968, vol. XIII, pp. 412414.