318. Notes of Telephone Conversation Between Secretary of State Rusk and Robert B. Anderson1


A called to report on his morning meeting with Iraqi For. Min. Pachachi and Lebanon FM Hakim. A said it was incomprehensible to him how much animosity they hold for our representatives; this was not meant personally, but P had told him that when he got down to see the Sec and Pres he was told to see Gene Rostow and he said he might just as well have been talking to a representative of the Israeli Govt; they would not discuss this subject or have any faith in resolutions offered by a US Amb or anyone of this faith. A had discussed at some length with them that they must face the realities of life. A said their [Page 541] principal point was they must have withdrawal from the territory; they said US has been silent on this. A said he was not speaking for his govt but suggested a declaration by General Assembly or Security Council along the line of the right of all states to live being recognized; if the state of belligerency was declared ended by all parties, then we could see where we are; P said he would be willing to explore that but he could not be committed until he saw the language; he said if A cared to show them something they would discuss it with their colleagues. A said he was not part of the US Govt, but he would not be happy to have them merely explore it—he would expect them to try to sell it; he indicated that if the language could be agreed on, perhaps something could be worked out. P had said we had no idea of the image we had in his country; P said we must believe that US gave them some encouragement, intelligence; when A had explained why he believed this was not so, P had said he had to believe him but we could never get our people to believe it. P said they need some liaison with the Dept; he realized the Sec was busy; A had suggested Battle whom P had not heard of; P had said he had been told ERostow was running Near East affairs. A said P mentioned a Goldberg speech in the early ’60s in which he said he was a Zionist. A said their one great thesis was restoration of territory; they were agreeably interested in their ability to look at, examine and if the language was properly phrased consider a meeting of their colleagues to consider such a declaration. Sec said it was just possible something could be worked out on that line. Sec thanked A.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Rusk Files: Lot 72 D 192, Telephone Calls. No classification marking. The notes were prepared by Carolyn J. Proctor. Rusk was at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.