94. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassies in Lebanon and the United Arab Republic1

204116. For Ambassadors from Battle.

Anderson2 proceeding Cairo May 30 MEA 306 arrive 1530. Depart Cairo June 1 1000. Based on earlier understanding here no specific instructions would be provided Anderson whose primary effort would be listen and feel out situation Nasser. Suggest however Ambassador Nolte with participation Ambassador Yost, who has just been Washington and talked with us, provide full briefing current situation.3

Not sure whether hotel reservations made. Leave to your discretion whether EmbOff meets but suggest visit be handled most routine fashion to avoid attracting any more attention than necessary.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 7 US/ANDERSON. Secret; Nodis. Drafted and approved by Battle and cleared in substance by Walt Rostow and Saunders.
  2. Robert B. Anderson; see Document 42.
  3. Telegram 203978 to Beirut, May 28, asked Ambassador Porter to get in touch with Anderson and tell him the White House hoped he would remain in the Beirut area for a few more days. It stated: “We have no indication of Egyptian interest but are trying to prod them in hope contact might be forthcoming.” (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 7 US/ANDERSON) Telegram 10970 from Beirut, May 29, reported that the UAR Ambassador had called Anderson immediately after his arrival in Beirut and told him the UAR wished to know the flight and time of his arrival in Cairo. (Ibid.) Regarding Yost’s role, see footnote 2, Document 100.