380. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Yemen1

47. In call September 14 on Talbot and in subsequent conversation Department officer, YARG Ambassador Al-Aini expressed considerable pessimism concerning motives Faisal and Nasser in Jidda agreement on Yemen. Al-Aini, who just returned from Cairo to resume duties in US and UN, said that before traveling Jidda Nasser in fact did not consult with YARG leaders on nature solution he contemplating. Similarly on his return, Yemenis forced rely on radio and press for information concerning agreement reached with Faisal.

Al-Aini greatly worried that some secret agreement reached whereby UAR and SAG would maintain their mutual influence in Yemen following withdrawal Egyptian forces.

Said that selection 50 participants for November Haradh Conference will be proof of Faisal and Nasser intent reach real solution. Truly Yemeni representatives will be able do so. He worried that participants will be only spokesmen for UAR or SAG, leading to deadlock. If latter develops, Al-Aini speculates nationalists from both republican and royalist camps would make common cause.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964-66, POL 27 YEMEN. Confidential. Drafted by Moore, cleared by Davies, and approved by Talbot. Repeated to Cairo, Jidda, and London.