225. Telegram From the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State1

5776. For Under Secretary Rostow. State 255853,2 260750;3 Jidda 5646.4

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I briefed Barger and Dinsmore subsequently briefed Brougham and Hills on State’s 254018.5 While appreciating USG position, their general reaction was negative. All felt strongly that current USG policy risky and is badly hurting American position, both public and private, in Middle East. Soviets gaining at our expense. All argued that Arabs have responded generally in positive terms to President’s five points and that we are accepting uncritically Israeli positions. I assured Barger this not so and that USG also pressing Israel be forthcoming.
Top Aramco men consider USG has missed opportunity bring Israel to compromise and are pessimistic over likelihood better terms from Arabs. They appear to believe that second round will come in which Arabs (perhaps with Soviet help) will prevail and in process remaining American interests in Middle East will be irrevocably lost. At times their attitude is explosively critical of our actions. I am going make another attempt explain USG position to new Aramco Vice President Knight, who will be my house guest next few days, to broaden understanding of what we are about.
I neglected mention in Jidda 5646 that at Aramco board meeting Brougham asked what USG doing to cultivate potential upcoming Saudi leaders. I told him Secretary Udall earlier agreed in principle invite Minister Interior Prince Fahd for three day official visit, but scheduling any such visit not possible until after election. Various Aramco board members strongly endorsed idea and urged that USG do more to cultivate upcoming Saudi leaders, even though some of them may be Princes, by official invitations to US and a bit of glad-handing by American officials. They also indicated willingness extend hospitality. I assured board we fully aware of this need and will continue do best we can arrange such visits.
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Middle East, Saudi Arabia Cables Vol. II, 4/67–1/69. Secret; Exdis.
  2. Document 224.
  3. Not found.
  4. Dated October 16. (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Records of the Department of State, Central Files, 1967–69, POL 27 ARAB–ISR)
  5. See Document 224.