57. Action Memorandum From the Acting Director of the Office of Scientific and Technological Affairs (Pollack) and the Chairman of the Policy Planning Council (Owen) to Secretary of State Rusk1


  • Planning Paper Concerning “Space Goals After the Lunar Landing”

The Vice President has now replied to you (Tab A)2 concerning the planning paper on “Space Goals After the Lunar Landing” (Tab B)3 which you sent to him in early October. The Vice President suggests that the matter be discussed in the Space Council.

Meanwhile, the Vice President has referred the paper to the Executive Secretary of the Space Council, Dr. Welsh, and his staff for examination and comment, and the existence of the paper has become known outside the Vice President’s office (e.g.: to Mr. Webb and Dr. Seamans of NASA). There is increasing speculation and interest as to what the paper may contain among officials who are concerned with this matter and would be involved in its consideration by the Space Council—particularly since the paper is thought to be relevant to pressing budget decisions affecting the space program.

In view of the Vice President’s response, and as a means of responding to the interest of these officials, we suggest that the paper be made available now to other members of the Space Council (especially Mr. Webb and Secretary McNamara) and appropriate members of their staffs. This could be done with the clear stipulation that the paper is a staff “think piece” and is circulated for information and comment rather than as a formal proposal. We would be prepared to see to this promptly, if you agree.


That you authorize us to arrange distribution, with the above stipulation, of copies of the planning paper on “Space Goals After the Lunar Landing” to the members of the Space Council and other officials who may be involved in its consideration by the Council.4

  1. Source: Department of State, S/PC Files: Lot 72 D 124, Scientific and Technological Development 1966. Secret. Drafted by Packard (SCI) and cleared in substance by Jeffrey C. Kitchen (G/PM). Regarding the drafting of this paper, see Document 56.
  2. Document 56.
  3. Document 55.
  4. Approved by Rusk on December 2.