174. Message From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Moorer) to the Commander in Chief, Pacific (McCain)1

4035. Deliver upon receipt. Subj: Linebacker (U).

Results of Linebacker operations to date have been most impressive. However, for maximum impact it is highly desirable to extend our air effort over NVN around the clock in order to force the air defenses into a continuous state of alert and also interfere with repair efforts and movement of supplies that are undoubtedly taking place at night. Accordingly, request you take immediate action to initiate A–6 operations against Linebacker targets north of 20 degrees north during periods of darkness. Current Linebacker restrictions apply.
Targets which have been struck in the afternoon and are left burning as well as bridges and marshaling yards and transformer stations which have previously been hit and are undoubtedly under repair by night crews also offer suitable targets.
B–52’s will also be considered as soon as four or five cells can be released from the current requirement in SVN.

Warm regards.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 218, Records of the Chairman, Records of Thomas Moorer, Box 68, JCS Out General Service Messages, 16–31 May 1972. Top Secret; Flash; Specat; Exclusive. Repeated to Admiral Clarey, Admiral Mack, Admiral Cooper, and General Abrams.