323. Telegram From the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State1

8997. Please pass to the Secretary. Subj: GOI Position. Ref: Tel Aviv 8996.2

The PrMin gave the Ambassador today the following position approved by the GOI Cabinet on November 5:

1. The Secretary will say in Cairo that the Israelis expect the Egyptians to observe the cease-fire. The Israelis assured him that they will maintain the cease-fire on the basis of reciprocity.

2. The Secretary succeeded in getting the Israelis to agree to a system of non-military supplies to the Third Army. There would be joint UN-Israeli inspection.

3. The town of Suez will receive daily supplies of food, water and medicine, details to be worked out between the Israelis and Egyptians.

4. In return for (2),

(A) All wounded Israelis and Egyptians POWs, wounded Third Army troops, wounded civilians in the town of Suez and its environs will be exchanged immediately;

(B) All POWs will be exchanged immediately.

(A) and (B) will be implemented concurrently with (2).

5. The Bab-El-Mandeb and Gulf of Suez blockade will be lifted. This will be done concurrently with (2).

6. The question of the October 22 line will be discussed between the two sides within the framework of the separation and disengagement of forces.

7. Assuming the above is agreed between the U.S. and Israel, the U.S. will exercise the veto in the UN Security Council should the Soviets or other countries attempt to pass a resolution opening the way for Soviet intervention.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 611, Country Files, Middle East, Israel, Vol. 13, Nov. 73–Dec. 73. Secret; Immediate; Nodis.
  2. Telegram 8996 from Tel Aviv, November 6, reported on Keating’s meeting with Meir in which she informed the Ambassador of the Israeli Cabinet approved position and described her discussions in Washington. (Ibid.)