247. Telegram 38065 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Uganda1 2



  • US/GOU Relations: ProAgs


  • Kampala 641; State 27102

1. Now consider it desirable to continue forward movement toward normalization relations in low-key manner, avoiding public statements. Hope GOU will take similar view matter.

2. Suggest that Embassy/USAID now begin move pending ProAgs forward for signature by GOU at appropriate levels. Prefer you start with pending revisions of ProAgs already signed (Toronto Girls School, Agricultural Co-Ops and IPA), following these with new ProAgs. Believe [Page 2] it preferable also to space ProAgs out somewhat; rather than presenting simultaneously. If GOU issues statement on revisions, we would reiterate that we regard revision existing ProAgs as part normal working contacts. At that time could reconsider whether proceed with new ProAgs.

3. Among new ProAgs AID/W particularly interested in signature those covering Agricultural Research Survey Team and Makerere Graduate Agriculture Faculty as contractors already contacted and recruitment underway. FYI: Realize Mission cannot issue Makerere PIO/T until it receives AID/Wʼs comments on proposed OPEX guidelines and final agreement on guidelines reached AID/W comments pouched March 4. In addition, Chief Agricultural Research Officer PIO/T will need revision to bring it in line with new guidelines. END FYI

4. USAID should not include Livestock Production ProAg [Page 3] among first priorities for signature because contract negotiations already underway for other projects and FY–71 deobs involved in Livestock ProAg amount. No objection, however, if Mission prepares Livestock ProAg now for possible signature next month.


  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL Uganda-US. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Farnham (AFR/ESA) and Kinter (AF/E); cleared in AF/E, AID/AFR/ESA and L/AF; and approved by Moore. Repeated to Addis Ababa, Dar es Salaam, London and Nairobi.
  2. The Department recommended moving toward normal relations in a low key manner, avoiding public statements.