286. Telegram 56735 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Italy1 2

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  • Somali Flag Shipping


  • State 56268

1. Assistant Secretary Newsom conveyed to Italian Ambassador Ortona April 16 USG decision re termination of aid to Somalia under Section 620(n) of FAA as outlined reftel. Stressed that considerable flexibility re method of presentation decision to GSR given to Ambassador Hadsel and that no ultimatum or formal demarche on shipping issue necessarily required. Added that under Section 617 orderly phase out projects now under way would be permitted.

2. Turning to possible rupture diplomatic relations by GSR as result this decision, which US strongly hoped would not take place, Newsom suggested that if anybody were in position to counsel moderation to GSR in this respect it would be appreciated. Pointed out that recent experience [Page 2] had shown it far easier to break relations than to arrange for their restoration. Moreover, if GSR were to break relations it would be even more difficult to restore assistance in future, even if shipping problem could be satisfactorily resolved. He hoped that GSR would think most carefully before taking any such drastic action.

3. Although expressing sorrow at US decision, Ambassador Ortona indicated it was not unexpected. His government believed that in view policy trends clearly evident in Somalia now, as indicated most recently by recognition East Germany, this was particularly sensitive time for such US move. He feared it might well result in rupture diplomatic relations, if not worse reactions. Although doubtful Italian Ambassador in Mogadiscio would be in a position to exercise constructive influence on GSR, he would immediately report conversation and was certain [Page 3] that Ambassador would do what he could to be helpful. END

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL Somali-US. Secret. Drafted by Holmes, cleared in EUR/AIS, and approved by Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Newsom. Repeated to Mogadiscio.
  2. The telegram reported that Assistant Secretary Newsom had informed Italian Ambassador Ortona that the shipping issue required the United States to terminate its aid to Somalia. Concerned that Somalia might rupture diplomatic relations as a result, Newsom had expressed the hope that the Italian ambassador to Somalia would counsel moderation.