175. Telegram 24342 From the Department of State to the Embassies in Kenya and the United Kingdom1 2


  • Kenyan Request for US Military Training and Assistance


  • (A) Nairobi 741:
  • (B) Nairobi 199;
  • (C) Nairobi 10265;
  • (D) Nairobi 10618

1. State and DOD believe that favorable response to Kenyan request is in USG’s best interest. To that end, Secretary has made decision to proceed with following actions:

A) DOD is drawing up an in-continental U.S. MAP training program beginning in FY 73 projected to have an annual value in the neighborhood of dols. 30,000. Simutaneously Dept. is preparing request for presidential determinations needed to authorize the FMS credit and MAP training in FY 73 for Kenya.

B) For London: Embassy is requested to inform FCO, and if appropriate MOD, of Kenyan rquest for US military assistance and of our intention to be forthcoming. Embassy should stress that we recognize and support Britains’s traditional role as major supplier to Kenya of military training and equipment. We have no wish to supplant Britain in this relationship but, given much larger GOK military requirements and GOK’s direct approach to US for assistance, we feel that it is in joint interests of US and UK to be responsive. We wish [Page 2] to develop our program in a framework of full consultation and coordination with the British. In this connection it would be most helpful if British would provide us with a copy, or alternatively a complete rundown, of their current intentions toward filling these needs.

C) FYI only: Embassy Tehran is being requested in septel to query GOI about the availability and cost of Iranian F5A’s, which the GOI has indicated may be surplus to its needs, and to discuss in general terms our proposals for Kenya. This initiative should not repeat not be discussed with the Kenyans or the British until we have more information on possiblity of obtaining F5-A’s. End FYI only.

2. For Nairobi: Embassy is hereby authorized to inform GOK of USG desire to be responsive to Kenya’s request for military assistance within applicable legislative, appropriations and administrative constraints. We have initiated certain requisite internal actions to permit greater flexiblity of response. Although not yet in a position to talk specifics to the Kenyans, we will be in touch with them again as sson as these internal actions have been completed.

3. FYI: We will not be ready to discuss specific equipment of priorities with GOK until we have clearer picture of British survey recommendations and intentions and of the possibility of offering F–5A package drawn from Iran’s surplus. We will keep Embassy fully informed of our progress. End FYI

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 84, Nairobi Embassy Files: Lot 78 F 173, DEF 19–1 1975, Policy Plans. Secret; Priority. Repeated to Addis Ababa and Dar Es Salaam.
  2. The telegram reported that the Departments of State and Defense believed that a positive response to the Kenyan arms request was in the best interests of the United States, and that a request for a presidential determination authorizing FMS credit and MAP training was being prepared.