225. Telegram 169610 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Sudan1 2


  • U.S. Policy Toward Sudan in Wake of Terrorist


  • State 136684

1. Department has completed review of U.S.-Sudanese relations in wake of release of Palestinian terrorists. Conclusion is that President Nimeiri’s decision to release terrorists to PLO for execution of commuted sentences is incompatible with continuation of cooperative ties which had developed between our two governments. In addition to substance of decision, manner in which it was made and USG learned of it showed scant courtesy to highest level USG, which had received Nimeiri’s personal assurances in March 1973 that justice would be done in this case. Implications for specific U.S. programs reflecting decisions made highest level Department detailed below.

2. In dealings with GOS, EmbOffs should continue correct posture, meeting with officials at their request, but initiating contacts only as required to conduct pressing business at working level. If asked about U.S. reaction to GOS decision, you should draw on Acting Secretary Sisco’s June 25 statement (reftel). You should respond to specific assistance requests of all types with statement that you will submit them to Washington for consideration, but that GOS should not rpt not expect early response.

3. FY 75 economic assistance. No U.S. development assistance to Sudan in FY 1975 is planned. Proposed dols. 10 million program loan held over from FY 74 will be reallocated and additional dols 10 million program loan in FY 75 congressional presentation used somewhere other than in Sudan. Proposed agriculture technical assistance and maternal child health projects have also been shelved. PL 480 Title I wheat program request will not rpt not be approved. Humanitarian assistance programs, however, will be continued, including PL 480 Title II VolAg program as well U.S. contribution to world food program, to extent Congress permits. Activities of private volunatary organizations will be considered on case by case basis. FYI: Prospects for obtaining approval development or other assistance for Sudan FY 75 will be significantly affected by residual congressional reaction to Nimeiri decision. Currently, prospects would appear bleak. End FYI.

4. Rahad loan. We will fulfill our commitment to provide dols 11 million toward the foreign exchange costs of the Rahad project. We are not, however, prepared to entertain any requests for an increase in amount of loan (ref State 158170).

5. OPIC programs. Department is asking OPIC not rpt not to reinstitute programs in Sudan at this time.

6. Defense Attache Office. Department has withdrawn concurrence in opening of DAO.

7. Military training programs. FY 75 allocation of dols. 50,000 for CONUS military training of Sudanese officers will not rpt not be utilized. Officers already in U.S. will be permitted to finish training.

8. Military sales. If consulted in advance, Department will discourage U.S. firms from undertaking business activities in Sudan involving possible military purchases. Prior approval of preliminary discussions between GOS and Northrop on possible purchase of F–5 aircraft has been withdrawn. Firms will be told Department does not expect that such sales could be authorized FY 75.

9. Cultural affairs programs. Student scholarships and similar people-to-people projects will be continued. Exchange programs will be reviewed on case by case basis.

10. Timing of Ambassador Brewer’s return to post will be reviewed following completion his home leave.

11. ExIm programs. Department is requesting no rpt no action on new or pending preliminary commitment requests. Specifically, ExIm has been asked defer action on participation in sale of two Boeing 737’s. Also, in accordance Dept’s request, ExIm will not rpt not conclude arrangements re final commitment for dols. 11 million ExIm participation in sale of 20 locomotives to Sudan railways.

12. Department does not rpt not plan advise GOS formally of these decisions, but will respond to specific questions as asked. When you are asked regarding any specifics of above, inform GOS that you will seek instructions. We will then give you guidance within the framework of the above policy.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Policy Files, 1974. Confidential. Drafted by Theodore Ford (AF/E), and approved by Robert S. Barrett (AF/E). The source text is a repeat of the telegram to the U.S. Mission at Geneva. Also repeated to all Near Eastern and South Asian Diplomatic Posts, to Brussels, and Addis Ababa.
  2. The Department informed the Embassy of its decision to downgrade relations with Sudan and detailed the effect of that decision in specific programs.