464. Telegram 108794 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Mexico1 2

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  • A. Mexico 3330;
  • B. Mexico 3331

1. Confirming Petrow/Kubisch telcon, we share your concern over possibility USG may be linked to June 10 riots through our police training program and believe our principal objective would be obtained should no press comment appear. For this reason, we believe Embassy should refrain from issuing press statement unless articles to serious detriment of U.S. image alleging linkage have appeared in the press. Moreover, since even most carefully drafted press statement is likely to sound defensive, we believe burden of response to press allegations should be on GOM and that Embassy should issue statement only if it is apparent silence would be even more damaging.

2. Consequently, we should like Embassy to adopt following course:

A. At meeting Gallastegui, Charge, after expressing concern about possible press linkage of our police training to Halcones, should state we intend to reply to any press queries with oral statement of facts along [Page 2] lines press statement transmitted ref B, as amended, (see below). Then recalling high-level of GOM request for police training program, he should inquire how GOM proposes to deal with press queries should they materialize.

B. If Embassy receives press queries, it should answer them orally in factual, low-key manner along lines of proposed press statement with following additions:

Stress fact that training facilities were offered under program 16 years old in which 65 countries participated.
All costs of training are being borne by GOM.
First group is not scheduled to return to Mexico until July 9.
Mexican police officials are being trained in other countries as well (this statement should be made with as much precision and assurance as possible—perhaps Gallastegui can confirm Embassy’s information that Mexican police officials are being trained in Japan and UK).
If, in spite of our and GOM’s efforts, press campaign against US begins, we would expect the GOM to issue public statement setting forth the facts. If campaign continues and assumes such virulence that Embassy judges silence more damaging than a public statement, it should report the relevant facts and its recommendations urgently to the Department and Department will make immediate decision on issuance of press statement. If decision is to issue, statement transmitted ref B subject to additions mentioned paragraph 2B above is suitable.

3. We have no objection to Embassy making oral statements in paragraphs 2 and 3 of ref B if pressed.

4. Department will do everything possible to prevent [Page 3] leaks or public release on police training program. We anticipate no need for issuing press statement here. We plan to reply orally to press queries along lines paragraph 2B above.

5. We note that final group of trainees scheduled to depart for US August 9. We would like your recommendations as to whether we should try to dissuade GOM from sending this group.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 787, Country Files, Latin America, Mexico, Vol. II, January 1, 1970–December 31, 1971. Secret; Exdis; Immediate. Drafted by Petrow; cleared in ARA/PAF; approved by Hurwitch. A stamped notation on the telegram indicates that it was received in the White House Situation Room at 8:46 a.m. on June 18. In a June 8 Intelligence Note RARN–21, INR stated “that the Halcones membership is recruited from university age students who are sons of people friendly with PRI officials enjoying the personal confidence of President Echeverría.” (Ibid., RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 23–8 MEX)
  2. Responding to the Embassy’s concerns that hostile elements might link the U.S. Government to the “Halcones,” the Department instructed the Embassy to issue a statement to the press only if it appeared silence would be even more damaging.