116. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State1

11950. Subject: Technical Penetration of US Embassy Moscow. Ref: State 135571.2

1. Physical barrier was erected early this morning. Barrier is brick, reinforced concrete, and sheet steel and located approximately two feet within Embassy property. Barrier erected at north edge of second hatch entrance in Soviet change room. This is about 18 feet down tunnel from chimney entrance.

2. We attempted to erect barrier at Embassy property line, but efforts were thwarted by Soviet harassment (pounding on wall, erection of trip line in tunnel, prodding into tunnel with steel bars from Soviet basement, and verbal abuse).

3. [1 line not declassified] A 24 hour Marine post remains at Soviet change room.

4. Per para 1 of reftel we have barred all Soviets and chars from the chancery. It would be impractical to bar chars from all areas of building (apartments, basement, first floor) and would probably alert press.

5. Resident TSOs will survey building for other chimneys and shafts that might possibly be used for similar installations.

6. Equipment is on site to conduct limited non-destructive tests of antenna. We have leveled generators, calibrated dipoles, receivers, [Page 377] spectrum analyzers, and preamp power supply. First priority will be to determine bandwidth of system.

7. Test procedures suggested in para 4 of reftel will be carried out to extent possible.

8. Extensive photographic documentation is being maintained.

9. Per para 7 of reftel, access at seven level and Soviet change room will be preserved.

10. MUTS monitoring continues as before. No changes in time of activity or general spectral shape has been observed.

11. Per para 10 of reftel:

(A) General appearance of antenna indicates recent (past year or so) installation. General appearance of machinery and electronics at bottom of shaft indicates much older installation. Grill installed at top of chimney also appears to be of recent vintage. Please note that close visual inspection of antenna or grill would require disturbing antenna.

(B) Antenna can be hoisted several feet above south wing roof level. Confirmation of this fact will require actual movement of antenna.

(C) As very rough estimate:

(1) front element is 4 foot long.

(2) middle element is 5 foot long.

(3) end element is 6 foot long.

(4) element spacing is 18 inches and 24 inches reading front to back.

12. When can we expect arrival of analysis group? Unless specifically directed otherwise we will undertake no task that has the slightest chance of changing antenna position or orientation or damaging electronics. All technicians concur that we have seized a device in current operational configuration and recommend against any measures that would alter this configuration.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780224–1250. Secret; Immediate; Exdis.
  2. See footnote 2, Document 114.