11. Summary of Conclusions of a Senior Interagency Group Meeting1


  • Review of NSDD and Related NSSD–5 Documents

Summary of Conclusions

The SIG discussed interagency differences of view regarding the draft NSDD and related papers on differentiation.2 In the category of general criticisms, Treasury reiterated its position that the study left unclear whether and how the proposed policy departed from existing practices.3 Treasury stated that the study overemphasized the positive impact of differentiation and failed to mention the East European interest in the policy. OSD objected to the use of US-Soviet policy as the baseline for differentiation and the absence of an explicit reference to Jackson-Vanik. Commerce supported certain of Treasury’s views and urged a clarification of the effect of the new policy on technology transfer decisions.

The SIG then turned to specific issues. On technology transfer, OSD and Commerce proposed differing revisions. On trade unions, OSD agreed to drop its request that free trade unions be cited as an example of liberalization. On credits, Treasury proposed an explicit link to IMF criteria. On scientific exchanges, Commerce requested language to cover technology diversion but a suitable formulation was not agreed. On MFN, OSD requested stronger language. On credits policy, OSD argued that the policy should be left open until the results of the Versailles Summit4 were known. State suggested and the SIG accepted a more precise reference to “Warsaw Pact countries of Eastern Europe” in the lead paragraph of the NSDD.

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Action Requirements

Treasury and OSD undertook to work out a joint alternative formulation on sections of the NSDD they deemed inadequate. This work was to be submitted to the SIG by COB June 2.
Commerce and State undertook to work out joint language on technology transfer, with OSD to write counter language, by COB June 2. If State could not agree with the joint State-Commerce language, both Commerce and OSD versions would be footnoted in the text and State would adhere to its prior clearance of the existing language.
Commerce agreed to produce a revision in the section on scientific exchanges.
Treasury agreed to produce a revision in the section on debt.
OSD agreed to produce a revision on MFN and Jackson-Vanik.

All of the above papers were to be submitted by COB June 2.

L. Paul Bremer, III5
Executive Secretary
  1. Source: National Security Council, NSC Institutional Files, NSSD 05–82. Secret; Nodis. Drafted on June 4. The meeting of Senior Interagency Group No. 22 took place in Stoessel’s conference room at the Department of State. A list of participants was attached but not printed.
  2. The briefing packet for this meeting is attached to a May 27 memorandum from Bremer in the Central Intelligence Agency, Office of the Director of Central Intelligence, Job 84B00049R: Subject Files (1981–1982), Box 5, Folder 108: SIG Meeting re: Eastern Europe Policy 1 Jun 82.
  3. See Document 10.
  4. Reference is to the G–7 Summit held in Versailles, June 4–6.
  5. Alvin Adams signed above this typed signature.