361.1123 L 25/-: Telegram

The Consul at Vladivostok (Macgowan) to the Acting Secretary of State

4. Referring to shooting Lieutenant Langdon, Japanese consul general has just called to express his profound regret for the sad occurrence. I expressed appreciation and stated I would advise United States Government and Richardson.16

Resolution by the consular corps Wednesday protesting against the Japanese practice of halting foreigners in the streets and otherwise [Page 355] wise exercising police authority has been suggested. In view of the fact Caldwell joined consular corps appeal to the Japanese Army to protect foreigners in the suburbs inside city limits, I would appreciate Department’s instructions urgently. After I took charge availed first opportunity in conversation with colleagues to disassociate myself from Caldwell’s action and since then such appeals have been avoided altogether, in accordance with instructions October 19 [20], 2 p.m.16a

  1. Capt. Louis C. Richardson, commanding the U. S. S. Albany.
  2. Foreign Relations, 1920, vol. iii, p. 526. From despatch no. 782, Mar. 14, 1921, from the Chargé in Japan, it appears that Consul Caldwell did not participate in any request to the Japanese military authorities for the protection of foreigners.