724.3415/302: Telegram

The Bolivian President (Sites) and the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Palacios) to the Chairman of the International Conferenee of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration (Kellogg)


I have the honor of referring to the cable in which Your Excellency on behalf of the International Conference on Conciliation and Arbitration invites Bolivia to follow a procedure of peace and international justice in her differences with the Republic of Paraguay and I am thankful the valuable and significant wishes expressed by the Conference which the people and Government of Bolivia appreciate in their lofty and significant meaning. The whole international tradition of Bolivia is inspired by a positive and sincere demotion to the principle of arbitration and to the condemnation of war as a political system towards her neighbors, the involuntary case of mere self-defense excluded, and Bolivia shall not depart from these standards of civilized life and human solidarity. Attacked in this moment in her sovereignty and dignity by military forces of the Paraguayan army in a violent and unexpected aggression which gives the lie to and shatters the feelings of American brotherhood, Bolivia requires a satisfaction that may erase that offense and give back to the Bolivian people serenity and confidence enough to permit its [Page 688] acceptance of the determinations of this Government in favor of solutions to harmonize the preservation of peace with the rights of States. There are commitments between Bolivia and the Republic of Paraguay to accept an arbitration at law on bases to be covenanted and determined for the controversy now dividing them, and there is a suggestion by the Argentine Government that both Bolivia and Paraguay accepted as the procedure to define the controversy, and Bolivia shall not deviate from those commitments. Following the satisfaction which she expects within the strict standards of international law Bolivia will always be disposed to follow the noble inspirations of the principles referred to by Your Excellency and to which she is devoted and of the countries whose friendship she deeply appreciates.

  • Siles
  • Alberto Palacios