310/1–1251: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Dunn) to the Secretary of State


3012. As possibility increasing Italian participation UN affairs despite continued exclusion membership, Embassy suggests possibility establishing practice Italian observer request seat, without vote, on all GA committees considering problems in which Italy an “interested party”, as was done connection all committee consideration Italian colonies questions.2 Suggest possibility existing GA rules of procedure could be construed as permitting Italian non-voting participation committee consideration almost any political, security or social problem before UN on basis consideration Italy truly an interested party connection all problems effecting world peace, security and economic and social development. Certainly Italy is an interested party connection Korean question which contains inherent threat peace whole world; Italy vitally interested technical assistance and “Point IV” problems; has direct and historic interest Palestine problem, particularly in relation Roman Catholic Church interests. In these and many similar problems Embassy convinced Italian voice in GA committees could have great influence, particularly with LA delegates, and could be counted on in main to give strong general support positions US delegation.

Italians will probably continue decline official participation UN as “associate member”, or in other inferior status on grounds affront to Italian dignity. However, we believe Italians might welcome committee participation as “interested party” on basis Italian colony question precedent. Gastone Guidotti, present Director General Political Affairs FonOff, will replace Mascia3 as Italian observer late this month or [Page 287] early February. He will undoubtedly pursue much more active role at UN than Italian delegate has in past and participation committees as suggested above might prove more effective procedure than reliance on strictly “corridor and delegates lounge diplomacy.”

If Department agrees above suggestion feasible and desirable and would support Italian requests for committee participation, I would recommend Embassy be authorized explore possibility with FonOff perhaps informing Guidotti procedure would have Department’s approval and support. (Procedure could of course also be applied for other non-members whose application blocked by Soviet veto.)

Department pass USUN. Sent Department 3012, repeated information USUN 33.

  1. For documentation regarding the establishment of Italy as an Administering Authority for the United Nations over the former Italian colonies, see Foreign Relations, 1950, vol.v, pp. 1600 ff.
  2. Luciano Mascia, Italian Minister of Embassy (Washington) and Italian Observer at the United Nations (New York).