320/1–352: Telegram

The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the General Assembly (Roosevelt) to the Secretary of State


Delga 829. For Hickerson and Warren1 from Sandifer. I want to emphasize in strongest terms political necessity for approving USGADel’s request for authorization to abstain on Goedhart’s proposal for assistance fund (Delga 8282). Specific and limited character of Goedhart’s proposal as presented Comite Three makes abstention [Page 838] possible without stultifying our basic position. In peculiar political atmosphere this GA, USGADel cannot afford loss of good will and prestige involved in voting in very small minority perhaps of one against limited and popular Goedhart proposal. [Sandifer.]

  1. George L. Warren, Adviser on Refugees and Displaced Persons.
  2. Dated January 3, supra.