General United States Policy in the United Nations1

1. For previous documentation on U.S. policies in the United Nations, see Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, volume III.

61. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/1–2957. Confidential. Signed by Walmsley for the Secretary.

62. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/2–1257. Limited Official Use. Priority.

63. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Wilcox) to the Secretary of State

Source: Department of State,IO Files: Lot 60 D 113, United Nations General File, 1957. Confidential. Drafted by Bloomfield.

64. Memorandum From the Chairman of the Military Staff Committee to the Mission at the United Nations (Stone) to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Radford)

Source: USUN Files, IO, Armed Forces. Confidential. A covering memorandum from Stone to Charles D. Cook, Deputy Counsel of the Mission at the United Nations, February 18, reads: “I would appreciate your comments on this first draft as to the acceptability of the paper from the Department of State viewpoint, and any suggestions you care to make to improve the paper.” No written reply or comments by Cook have been found.

65. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/2–2557. No time of transmission is given on the source text.

67. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Wilcox) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Murphy)

Source: Department of State, IO Files: Lot 60 D 113, United Nations General File, 1957.

68. Paper Prepared by Virginia F. Hartley of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs

Source: Department of State, IO Files: Lot 60 D 113, Charter Review. Confidential. A covering memorandum by Ware Adams, April 26, reads: “Attached is a paper concerning the Charter review question at the next GA. If it meets with your approval we plan to take it up with the regional bureaus and L in order to get our preparations under way for the meeting of the special committee on the holding of a Charter review conference established by the 10th GA.”

69. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Wilcox) to the Secretary of State

Source: Department of State,IO Files: Lot 60 D 113, Charter Review. Confidential. Drafted by Virginia Hartley.

71. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 315/5–2957. Limited Official Use.

73. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 315/6–1257. Limited Official Use.

74. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 315/6–2857. Confidential. Signed by Wilcox for the Secretary.

75. Instruction From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/7–1957. Limited Official Use; Priority. Sent to 69 posts and repeated to 7 others.

77. Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Hanes) to the Secretary of State

Source: USUN Files, IO, Armed Forces. Confidential. The date on the source text is handwritten. A notation at the bottom of the source text reads: “Secty approved 8/6/57.”

78. Instruction From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/8-357. Confidential. Sent to 71 posts and repeated to 13 others. An introductory note reads:

“This circular discusses the situation anticipated at the twelfth regular session of the General Assembly of the United Nations and several important political issues expected to arise there for the background information of missions in the field. Mission in all friendly countries which are members of the UN are requested in their discretion to make these views known to the governments to which they are accredited, as indicated in the circular.

“All posts receiving this circular are requested to report currently for the information of the Department and the U.S. Mission to the United Nations any information coming to their attention locally pertaining to matters likely to arise in the General Assembly.”

Department of State Central File 320 contains a number of telegrams and despatches responding to this circular airgram.

80. Position Paper Prepared in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs for the Delegation to the Twelfth Session of the General Assembly

Source: Department of State, IO Files: Lot 71 D 440, 12th GA, Committees 1–6. Official Use Only.

81. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Wilcox) to the Secretary of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.361/9-1257. Confidential. The date is from a copy of this memorandum ibid., IO Files: Lot 60 D 113, 12th GA Session. Both copies contain spaces for the concurrences of the four geographic bureaus but on neither text are the concurrences indicated. The source text contains the handwritten notation “approved by Secty 9/12/57.”

82. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Wilcox) to the Secretary of State

Source: Department of State,IO Files: Lot 60 D 113, 12th GA Session. Confidential. Drafted by Sisco.

84. Letter From the Director of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs (Adams) to the Officer in Charge of United Nations Political Affairs (Sisco), at New York

Source: USUN Files, IO, Armed Forces. Confidential. A notation on the source text indicates that Sisco was at New York as a member of the Delegation to the Twelfth Session of the U.N. General Assembly.

86. Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Delegation to the Twelfth Session of the General Assembly, Mission Headquarters, New York, September 26, 1957, 9:30 a.m.

Source: Department of State, IO Master Files, US/A/M/(SR)/I—Confidential

87. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.361/9–2657. Confidential; Priority. Passed to USUN.

88. Letter From Secretary of State Dulles to Secretary-General Hammarskjöld

Source: USUN Files, IO, SYG. a handwritten notation on the source text indicates that this letter was delivered to the Secretary-General personally by Cook, and that a telegram confirming this fact was sent to the Department on October 1.

89. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 310.361/9–2657. Confidential. Signed for the Secretary by Henry P. Leverich, Deputy Director of the Office of Eastern European Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs. Repeated to USUN.

90. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/10–357. Confidential; Priority.