Mr. Seward to Mr. Corwin

No. 74.]

Sir: In February last, Mr. Romero, chargé d’affaires of Mexico, brought to my attention certain complaints which had been made to him by the Mexican consul at Brownsville, Texas, and the vice consul at Franklin, New Mexico, of forcible impressments of Mexican citizens, residing in the Territory of New Mexico, into the military service of the United States. The subject was immediately laid before the Secretary of War, whose reply was communicated to Mr. Romero on the 2d of April, and by him, doubtless, transmitted to his government.

The Secretary of War has, by a letter of the 5th instant, received to-day, laid before me a copy of a communication addressed to the general-in-chief by Brigadier General Carlton, commanding in New Mexico, upon the same subject, a copy of which I enclose to you, as Mr. Romero has taken leave of the government and is now en route to his home.

You will be pleased to communicate a copy of this document to the Mexican government.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Thomas Corwin, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Mexico.