Workingmen’s Union of Niederurnen


We, the president and committee of the Workingmen’s Union of Niedemnen, in the canton of Glarus, to the supreme government and free people of the United States of North America, greeting:

We, in consonance with a great internal desire to express our heartfelt joy for the late victories of the free people of the United States of North America, unanimously approve of the address of sympathy and gratulation to be sent to them. We rejoice with them in their victories, in the triumph of the great cause for the benefits of humanity, and we lament with them the atrocious murder of their great and good citizen, Abraham Lincoln, at a time when peace was about to smile upon the great republic.

God grant that the free people of America may long enjoy the blessings of their victories and advantages of their triumphs; may He console the citizens of a free country for the loss of their noble champion of freedom and martyr of patriotism; and may His Almighty Hand direct the great nation in the ways of peace, prosperity, and happiness.

God preserve your country and ours.

In the name of the Union:
  • JOHANNES BOHRY, Actuary.
    Followed by signatures of eighty members.