No. 193.
Mr. Hoppin to Mr. Evarts.

No. 17.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose copies of further correspondence upon the subject of the pardon of Edward O’M. Condon, since my last dispatch, No. 13, in relation to this matter.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 17. ]

Mr. Clifton to Mr. Hoppin.

Sir: His excellency the American minister, at his recent visit to Portland, for the purpose of seeing the prisoner, E. Shore, alias Condon, informed Captain Hume, deputy governor in temporary charge, that he was prepared to advance £10 or £15 to Shore on his release, and that fact was duly communicated to the prisoner.

A few days since, E. Shore applied to me to obtain this money for him, and on the matter being referred to the directors of convict prisons, I received instructions to apply for the same to his excellency, pointing out, at the same time, that the sum of £7 will be provided by the Crown, in addition to a suitable outfit for the voyage to America.

Under these circumstances I have ventured to address his excellency through you, and shall feel obliged by an early reply.

I have the honor to be, &c.,

  • W. J. Hoppin, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 17.]

Mr. Hoppin to Mr. Clifton.

Sir: On my return on Saturday evening from Liverpool, I found your note of the 13th, to which I could not conveniently reply until this morning. I regret that you had not addressed it to the legation (Members’ Buildings, Victoria street, corner of Great Chapel street), as I had left instructions with Mr. Nadal, the second secretary, to send the money for Condon, in case it should be required. However, I presume it will still reach you in time for his purpose. I accordingly inclose my check to your order on the London Westminster Bank for fifteen pounds, which please send to Condon on behalf of Mr. Welsh, and also kindly acknowledge the receipt of this.

I have, &c.,

  • W. J. HOPPIN,
    Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
  • George Clifton, Esq.,
    Governor, Portland Prison, &c., &c., &c.
[Page 313]
[Inclosure 3 in No. 17]

Mr. Clifton to Mr. Hoppin.

Sir: I hasten with thanks to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday, forwarding me a check for £15, for Edward Shore, alias Condon. I have had the same cashed, and the money will he duly handed to him, and his receipt taken for the same will finally [be] transmitted to you.

I have the honor to be, &c.,

  • W. J. Hoppin, Esq.,
    Chargé d’Affaires ad interim, &c., &c., &c., United States Legation.

P. S.—I informed Mr. Condon of the safe arrival of the money, and he has requested me to convey his thanks through you to his excellency the United States minister.—G. C.

[Inclosure 4 in No. 17.]

Lord Salisbury to Mr. Hoppin.

Sir: I referred to Her Majesty’s secretary of state for the home department, your letter of the 7th instant, inclosing copy of a communication addressed to you by the secretary of the “Political Prisoners Visiting Committee,” relative to the convicts Condon and Melody, and I have the honor to acquaint you that a reply has been received stating that although the application of the committee arrived too late to he acted upon, it was, at the same time, one that could not in any case have been entertained by Mr. Cross.

It is added, however, that before leaving the prison the convicts were carefully examined by the medical officer of the establishment, who reported them to be in good health.

I have the honor to be, &c.,

  • W. J. Hoppin, Esq., &c., &c., &c.