The Acting Secretary of State to the Japanese Chargé.

Dear Mr. Chargé: I am in receipt of a telegram from the Russian ambassador, Baron Rosen, stating that he is directed by cable to request permission for the return to Russia, under his parole not to take any part in the war, of Sublieutenant Bertenson, of the cruiser Aurora, interned at Manila.

It is not stated that the release is asked for on account of illness or disability, and it seems to be requested as a favor.

Begging to refer to Mr. Loomis’s letter of April 13 last to Mr. Takahira, in the case of Commander Berlinski, may I ask you to ascertain and inform me whether the Japanese Government will have any objection to the granting of the desired permission to Sublieutenant Bertenson, under the conditions exacted in former cases.

I am, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee.