Exclusion of Syrians from Haiti

Note.—For previous correspondence see Foreign Relations 1904, p. 393.

[469] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[470] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Powell.

[471] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[472] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Powell.

[473] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[474] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[475] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[476] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Powell.

[477] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[478] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[479] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[480] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[481] Minister Powell to the Secretary of State.

[482] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Powell.

[483] The Haitian Minister to Acting Secretary of State Loomis.

[484] The Acting Secretary of State to the Haitian Minister.

[485] The Haitian Minister to Acting Secretary of State Loomis.

[486] The Acting Secretary of State to the Haitian Minister.

[487] The Haitian Minister to the Secretary of State.