Chargé Eddy to the Secretary of State.

No. 222.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that at 11 o’clock on Saturday, the 14th of October, the treaty of peace was signed at Peterhoff by His Majesty the Emperor. * * * On Sunday morning your telegram came to hand, in which you gave the wording of the notification which I was to hand to Count Lamsdorff.

In accordance with an arrangement which I had made some days previously with the minister for foreign affairs, I was received by Count Lamsdorff at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon, when I formally presented to him the notification expressed in the exact words of your telegram.

Count Lamsdorff expressed his profound satisfaction at the receipt of my note and informed me that it had been arranged for the French minister in Tokyo to deliver the Russian notification at as nearly the same moment as possible. I then telegraphed you as follows:

Accordance with instructions I presented the formal notice of ratification of treaty to Count Lamsdorff in person at 2 o’clock p.m. to-day, Sunday, 15th.

I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of your telegram received yesterday, as well as a copy of my note to Count Lamsdorff, in accordance with your instructions.

I have, etc.

Spencer Eddy.
[Page 823]

Chargé Eddy to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Excellency: The treaty of peace concluded between Russia and Japan at Portsmouth on the 5th of September last, provides for the announcement of the Governments of Russia and Japan of the ratification of the treaty by Their Majesties the Emperor of Russia and the Emperor of Japan, through the medium of the French legation at Tokyo and the American embassy at St. Petersburg.

I now have the honor to advise your excellency in pursuance of a formal communication made to the Secretary of State by the Japanese minister at Washington, and transmitted to me by the Secretary of State, that the treaty was duly ratified on yesterday, the 14th instant, by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.

I avail, etc.,

Spencer Eddy.