File No. 812.00/606.

The Mexican Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 538.]

Your Excellency: I have the honor to forward herewith to your excellency a clipping from the Washington Post of yesterday,1 in which appears a statement of Abraham González, leader of a certain group of insurgents, concerning his work on the border to bring together and arm men against the constituted Government of our Republic. In view of the means of investigation at the disposal of the American Government and of its sense of justice in the strict enforcement of the neutrality laws, I think that the knowledge of that statement of Abraham González, who is now in American territory, will suffice to set on foot an investigation which will give adequate evidence of the unlawful course of men who would seek the protection of the American law for the purpose of rising against a friendly country and Government.

Thanking, etc.,

F. L. de la Barra.
  1. Not printed. González is quoted as saying that the revolution is just begun and is daily gaining in strength.